The picture shows the bride's foot. Maybe one would expect a glass slipper, but this is a galvanic skin response sensor that recorded throughout the ceremony so that the bride and groom can later transcribe a mutual emotional trajectory. The sensor records skin conductance, which is related to moisture, and the signal must have been off the charts -- it was a wonderful wedding and but it was also a beautiful sunny day. Sunny in the intense sense, where you gain an practical understanding of why the British royal family feels that weddings require large-brimmed hats.
The nuptial couple must have been perspiring at least lightly and I suspect their respective sensors registered one continuous high throughout the proceedings. And indeed: I wish them this for their married lives that their joint signal continuously reflects a wonderful life experience. Or, if it's not a continuous high, may they at least be gifted with the ability to recognize any large dips as outliers and ignore them.
Lasting love is a complex phenomenon and I suspect that the most reliable expressions of it are more under our conscious control. In the next post I relate it to ... picture taking!